
Keeping it sustainable

Here at DeskLodge Bristol, we strive to keep our business as sustainable as possible.

Keeping our workspaces safe

We’ve put together a guide for all of our DeskLodgers to read and hear, about the measures we are taking to make it safe for your return.

LGBTQ Inclusion in the workplace

One of the things we pride ourselves on here at DeskLodge is that people come to one of our locations and work alongside people from every background, every demographic, every race, every belief, and every sexuality and orientation.

Learn more about DeskLodge with this interview with the founder - Tom Ball

Here at DeskLodge we are really good at telling you how great coworking spaces are and all the amazing things that happen at DeskLodge locations but you don’t really know much about the people behind the brand. Who could be better to humanise the DeskLodge brand than DeskLodge’s founder and creator Tom Ball!

Let’s look out for each other.

It’s World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September. Since its beginnings in 2003, this incredible movement brings together organisations and communities from around the world to raise awareness about preventing suicides.

Lift off at DeskLodge Basingstoke!


London To Bristol - A Guest Blog Post By Ellie Cheetham

London To Bristol - A Guest Blog Post By Ellie Cheetham

Looking back at our DeskLodgers of the Year!

Put your Christmas hat on at a jaunty angle, and crack open a bottle of low-alcohol fizz. Yes, it’s time to celebrate some of 2021’s DeskLodgers of the Year.

Looking back on 2022

2022 has been a roller coaster of a year, we’ve had some magical and amazing moment, hit some roadblocks, swerved some corners and can now look back and recap the journey.

Lunch time treats with Temple Quay Markets in Bristol

Delicious Street food right on DeskLodge’s doorstep!