Bristol Private Office

Why Serviced Offices Are On The Rise

Gemma Edwards
August 20, 2024
Why Serviced Offices Are On The Rise

Why serviced offices work for so many people

Many businesses looking to grow will at one point be faced with this question: should we get our own independent offices, or should we experience serviced offices? It’s a big question, and one to be taken seriously. Both have their plus points. But, as you’ll read, we think one slightly outweighs the other…

It’s all about the F-word

That’s ‘flexibility’, by the way. A serviced office doesn’t tie you down to long-term contracts. The ones we like to use like to give businesses of all sizes the most freedom. Why? We know what it’s like to be a small business looking to establish itself, or take on more staff, in uncertain times. Businesses can choose the number of days a week, and how many desks they need. Utterly bespoke, utterly customisable, utterly affordable. Bingo!

Private Office

With serviced offices, everything’s already set-up

Having your very own office means you can start from scratch. Everything is new, and you can have things just the way you like them. Sounds great? Yes, but it also sounds like a bit of a headache. Just think, there’s soooo much to sort out, and so many potential hiccups along the way. With a serviced office, everything is already there. Desks, WiFi, equipment, furniture… All there, from day 1. So you can hit the ground running.

A diverse, exciting environment

The thing about serviced offices like ours is that all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds are working in a shared space, shoulder by shoulder. Sure, you can have private offices for your quiet work, but in the kitchen or shared spaces it’s a wonderful collection of personalities, thrown together to do awesome work. It’s exciting, inspiring, and could even lead to a few new business connections.

Hot Desking Space

There to help

A serviced office normally has a hosting team already in place. We certainly do. These heroes take care of absolutely everything. Got a bit of trouble connecting to the WiFi? Give us a shout. Can’t get your laptop hooked up to the screen in the board room? We’ll sort it out. Kitchen almost out of milk? We’ll pop out to grab some more. This embedded super squad of individuals take away the stresses and strains of traditional office management.

All the perks, all for you

Having a desk and a chair is great, but we go further with a range of goodies just for our DeskLodgers. Unlimited tea and coffee, free fruit Wednesdays, sweetie Fridays, special discounts and offers… And then there’s all the other stuff. Stuff that isn’t just about work, but is just as important. The social side. These moments of coming together to relax are extremely important for wellbeing, and for forming new friendships. Breakfast socials, evening socials, parties, events, workshops… It’s a question of work hard, play harder.

Breakfast Social

Services offices v independent offices in Bristol? It’s no competition

So that’s the case for choosing a serviced office over an independent office. Of course, it’s entirely up to you. And hey, whatever you choose is absolutely fine. But did we mention we have unlimited tea and coffee already waiting for you?

Still on the fence?

Grab a coffee with Andrea and see what we're all about.

We’d love to meet you.

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