
DeskLodger of the month October 2022

Jamie Ellis
October 1, 2022
DeskLodger of the month October 2022

What do you/your company do?

Mindfully Wired Communications (MWC) is a vibrant and unique consultancy working on marine environmental issues and campaigns through bold, values-led communication. We work broadly across issues of marine governance and protection, seafood marketing and the blue economy, and connecting with coastal communities. As a small-but-mighty team of scientists, linguists, event pros, policy buffs, and creatives, we use our broad experience and personal values to tell a new story of sustainability.

What is the best thing about your job?

My wonderful team and our diverse range of projects and clients! On any given day, we’ll be advocating on behalf of global retailers like M&S and Waitrose at international forums to conserve tuna species, drafting and editing copy for global media organisations like The Economist Intelligence Unit, briefing MPs or EU officials on Brexit policy implications, designing interactive, consumer-focused seafood portals that bring unknown UK harbours to life, or cooking a sustainable seafood recipe in our ‘test kitchen’ (my house!) to promote newly re-branded Cornish seafood species.How do you stay motivated and productive? We use Google for Business so I like to use their apps to keep organised and stay on top of what's happening in the team. We also use Toggl Plan & Track to keep on top of our time tracking and client deliverables which ensures we stay productive!

Where is your favourite place to work at DeskLodge?

Our office, obviously! But I also love tucking myself away on the third floor in the Festival area or in one of the themed booths!

What's the most valuable piece of advice you've been given in work/business?

Lean in! Don't be afraid to push yourself outside of your comfort zone - it's a great way to get more experience and learn something about yourself!

What do you do in your spare time?

I have a pottery wheel in my basement which I'm excited to start using again once the days get shorter and colder! I also love to go on bikepacking adventures, and play bowls and my local bowls club! :)Describe DeskLodge in 3 words or fewer. Fun, welcoming and friendly!