
DeskLodger of the Month - July 2024

Gemma Edwards
June 28, 2024
DeskLodger of the Month - July 2024

Put that summer cocktail down and be upstanding for Emma Millington, our DeskLodger of the Month! Emma is CEO and Head of Customer Relations at Modular. They champion human first technology for people around the world. Find out the most surprising part of her job, how DeskLodge helps her, and what she gets up to in what little spare time she has!

Why did you choose your role/industry?

I love putting order into chaos, learning about people, building relationships and bringing teams together to deliver great experiences.  At Modular, the philosophy has always been “people first” and this means a lot. We solve problems with technical solutions that always have humans at their heart. Working in human centred, user experience design, as a sector, we get the chance to learn and grow every day. New technologies like AI are emerging and it is our duty of care to use these for good. I am naturally curious about how and why we do things. Making things better, making things easy. So when the opportunity arose to work with Modular, it seemed like an opportunity too good to miss.


What is the most surprising part of your job?

I never thought I would get excited about website hosting, support and maintenance. It is one of the services we offer at Modular, and between you and me, it is not known for being jazzy or glamorous. Think of it like  “insurance” for digital products. But, I love it.  Curating our Modular Support Services and bringing together a very technical offering with great customer service, choc full of value, has been one of the most surprising things I have enjoyed about working with Modular.


What are your plans for your career path?

Working with Modular, I get to meet amazing teams and amazing people - entrepreneurs, academics, scientists and researchers, leaders of charities. Everyone we work with is so committed, invested and dedicated to what they do. Each project and organisation are motivated and driven to deliver great things.  Being part of their journey is hugely rewarding.

I want to keep working with Modular, continue to grow our portfolio of wonderful clients, innovate, embrace technology and help organisations put humans at the heart of their products.

Outside of Modular, I am involved with a number of organisations, all of whom, in some way, are having a big impact on the city and our local community - supporting Tech4Good South West, Vice Chair at The Harbour and Trustee for SS Great Britain.

I will always be a passionate advocate for Bristol, our community and people.


How does DeskLodge help you do your job?

Walking into Desklodge House and being greeted by the super friendly team always puts a smile on my face. The best way to start the day. For me, DeskLodge offers an insane amount of flexible working space. I can work solo on strategic projects or deliverables, bring the team together for collaborative sessions and hold strategic meetings and workshops with our clients.

Desklodge allows me to scale up and down my workspace needs. Each day is different. Desklodge offers so many options for collaboration and co-working, it is perfect.

The space also offers huge potential to build your own community of contacts. We’ve made such strong connections over the years simply by being based in Desklodge. Some of them became clients, some are great friends, some are both.


Are you remote, on-site or hybrid? 

I work on site at Desklodge most days. My role is more nomadic than hybrid these days. If I am not at Desklodge, I am in and out of events and meetings across the city and beyond.

Based near Bristol’s Temple Meads’ train station, DeskLodge House is in a perfect location for me; it is so central. Making it a great base for me to nip across the city for meetings with clients, colleagues and partners.


Describe DL in 3 words 

Friendly. Flexible. Supportive.

If you want to join Emma at one of Bristol's more flexible workspaces, get in touch today.