
Member Success June 2022

Wonderful James Goadby of All Interactive has been a trusted DeskLodger for donkeys’ years!

Mental Health Awareness Week - You are not alone

Catching up with our DeskLodge Team has never been so important to us! It has been such a strange time for everyone but also a time to reflect on what’s really important.

Mindfulness techniques to help productivity

Here at DeskLodge we are all about keeping you productive and inspired but there needs to be a balance.

Myths and misunderstandings about co-working spaces

Co-working spaces, like the ones we have here at DeskLodge, have really caught on over recent years. But, incredibly, there are still a few people who are yet to be convinced. We put this down to a handful of myths and misunderstandings about co-working spaces that are still floating around. Well, allow us to set the record straight.

NEW Product Release – The Day Office

Presenting The Day Office! It’s the perfect way to get the team back together again once (or twice) a week.

NEW product release – The Day Office

Wake. Work. Put a wash on. Sleep. Repeat.

Narnia Opening

DeskLodge are so excited to share our fantastical Narnia quiet room at our Basingstoke location. There was a successful launch party where we had some drinks and nibble with awesome people to celebrate, as our founder Tom Ball unveiled the amazing space on the 7th March.

National Coworking Day 2019

Have you ever been curious about using a coworking space?Ever wanted to know what happens at DeskLodge? Join Desklodge on Thursday 6 June for National Coworking Day!

New to coworking? Explore our blog!

It has been really exciting introducing new companies and freelancers to coworking over the past few years.

Our top 4 work predictions for 2022 and beyond.

What will the future of work look like? Well, Tom Ball, our Founder, has a few predictions.