
DeskLodger Of The Month - Sam Pearson - Old Market

Meet Sam, DeskLodge Old Market fixed desker and site reliability engineer at mySociety a not-for-profit social enterprise. Sam likes spending time with his family and friends, karate and the occassional box-set binge.

DeskLodger Of The Month - Sarah Newell - Old Market

Meet Sarah, DeskLodge Old Market fixed desker and marketing manager at Good Sixty, a unique marketplace & eco-friendly delivery service for high quality independent food retailers and producers. Sarah likes to read, write, and occasionally make earrings too.

DeskLodger Of The Month - Seb Krupowicz - Basingstoke

Meet Seb, DeskLodge Basingstoke hotdesker and Founder & CEO of Cherry Picked Property Club. Seb also runs a property networking meet up and likes meditation, photography and spending quality time with his family.

DeskLodger Of The Month May - Basingstoke

Meet George from Wellman property management, who are a family run business dealing with residential lettings and block management.

DeskLodger Of The Month – Adam Butler – DeskLodger House

Meet Adam, DeskLodge House fixed desker and the CTO at Ordoo, a food and drink delivery mobile app startup. In his spare time Adam runs a tech meet up, likes photography and videography and loves a good burger!

DeskLodger Of The Month – Sophia Sladen – DeskLodge House

Meet Sophia, DeskLodge House resident and customer experience champion at Curve a Fintech startup which allows you to connect all of your payment cards to one Curve Card using their app. Sophie likes to paint, surfing and dancing to any kind of music with a Margarita or two….

DeskLodger of The Month (June) - Basingstoke

Meet Stuart Wright, he works for Sapphire in our Basingstoke DeskLodge branch. He is the lead within their Southern Sales team. Lets hear what he has to say!..

DeskLodger of the Month - 1TW - May

Meet Sam Daly, Lead Host at DeskLodge Old Market. Sam has been at DeskLodge for 3 years, likes; finding absurd news stories online, talking and going to the gym.

DeskLodger of the Month - Al Carchie - House

Meet Al Carchie, who works for Cado Security. Each month we put the spotlight on one of our DeskLodgers from our coworking spaces.

DeskLodger of the Month - Al Carchie - House

The DeskLodger of the month is Al Carchie who works for Cado Security.