
Working from home – what’s your set up?

Jamie Ellis
April 15, 2020
Working from home – what’s your set up?

Tips to make working from home more productive

We caught up with Jamie, Op’s Director from DeskLodge about how he is dealing with WFH.  

We’re going through surreal times and I, like many, am now working from home.  

The importance of having a space where I can focus and be as productive as possible, has become essential for my results and sanity.

Working for DeskLodge, I’m absolutely spoilt. Coming into one of our spaces every day I am presented with so much choice and diversity to spend my working day from. Whether I choose the Tardis for some silent solo work, The Festival area when working with my team members or having a call in a phone booth – I have everything I need. That’s without mentioning the awesome coffee, fast internet speeds (so slow at home in comparison) and of course, the amazing team I work with and inspiring members that surround me.

I had a desk at home in a spare room, it had books thrown on it, random items scattered across it and was in need of some general TLC. It wasn’t somewhere I could sit and be happy to work from for any longer than a few hours. The time had come to make some simple changes to make my workspace more enjoyable to work from.







As much as I wanted to recreate a space like DeskLodge that wasn’t possible, so just making it practical, organised and more pleasant was the goal. If I could make it feel spacious, functional for long working sessions, comfortable and more pleasing on the eye to sit at for 8hrs a day, I’d be happy.

I did the normal, searched google for ideas and thoughts for making my home workspace better, and made a plan. I also checked out DeskLodges tips page here.

The steps I took were,

  • Updated my monitor stand with a new brighter, thinner, version with a couple of cool features inc a simple phone holder and a small drawer for storage
  • New book stops, so my current books can stand neat and tidy.
  • An artificial plant to stand by my desk. Amazing how the mood changes having some greenery to look at makes. When normality resumes, I plan to get a real plant
  • Borrowed a small lamp from another room for evening work
  • Added a few pictures and ornament’s around the desk and space that I like, to encourage positive thoughts.
  • Decluttered anything that I didn’t actually need on the desk



And that was it, very simple and quick to action.

I know this doesn’t come close to rivalling some of the other home set up’s I’ve seen (like these). But it’s working for me and has made a huge difference. I even took pics to show my mum, she is working from her home using the dining table and now has desk envy.

So, I hope this shows you how easy it can be to make small changes to improve your workspace and gives you some inspiration to do the same.

We’d love to see your home set up’s, please add/tag/send us your photos so we can check out your happy place of work #desklodgehomesetups

We will follow this blog up with some tips and experiences from our team on how they have been achieving a work and home life balance – all under one roof!